SISB Suvarnabhumi: N1 Picnic Day

On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the Nursery 1 students experienced an amazing Teddy Bear Picnic Day. The N1 students were encouraged to wear their favourite clothes and bring a Teddy Bear or a soft toy of their preference on this special day. All the young learners had a wonderful time dancing to Teddy Bear songs, playing parachute and treasure hunt games, and sharing delicious healthy snacks together. It was a successful event, full of joyful opportunities that encouraged the young students to feel safe and part of the SISB community. The NK staff were pleased to end Term 2 with such a fun event as the day helped to foster independence and enhanced social skills that will stay with the students for life. The NK teachers would like to express their deep gratitude to the Nursery 1 parents for their constant positivity, support and cooperation in holding this outstanding event.

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

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