

(6-12 years)


Singapore Curriculum Primary

6-12 years

The SISB Primary Curriculum is rooted in the Singapore education system, which is renowned in the world for its quality and academic excellence. Singapore is consistently ranked top 2 in the world over the decades. The Mathematics curriculum develops students’ problem solving skills, while the Science curriculum hones students’ process skills. Both skills are essential for academic success of SISB.


SISB Primary Curriculum is a blended programme, with English, Mathematics, Science and Chinese using the Singapore curriculum, and ICT, Drama, Art, Music, Social Studies, Physical Education, Pastoral Care and Career Guidance based on SISB best practices. This, coupled with our student leadership programme, allows SISB students to receive a holistic education and achieve our vision of ‘every student a Scholar, a Leader, and a Global Citizen’.

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We offer a trilingual programme where students learn English, Chinese and Thai. All languages are banded to allow students to learn at their own ability level and pace. SISB offers international benchmark tests such as iPSLE (international Primary School Leaving Examination) and HSK/YCT (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi / Youth Chinese Test).

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Strong foundation

Singapore’s renowned Mathematics and Science curriculum gives SISB students a solid foundation for Sixth Form School. SISB students develop strong problem-solving skills and process skills which give them an edge to achieve academic excellence.


Our holistic programme includes ICT, Student Development and Leadership (SDL) Programme, as well as Pastoral Care and Career Guidance (PCCG). ICT focuses on creativity, digital citizenship as well as coding, robotics and 3D design, SDL Programme cultivates the leadership potential of every student, and the PCCG programme enhances students’ well-being, as well as prepares them to become global citizens.


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SISB Primary School Curriculum Framework

SISB Primary School Curriculum Framework
