[University Offers 2024] Chanoknan Rochanasmith – Three (Kasetsart)

“I have been in SISB throughout my whole educational journey since Kindergarten 1. This school is like my second home. I’ve always felt like I belong here and I really love the community we have built and shaped. I love our teachers, facilities and friends. My time at SISB has made me grow into a very mature person and I am grateful for every memory and knowledge I have gained here. I am honoured to be an SISB student. Although I was struggling with IGCSE, AS levels and A level for the last four years, it made me realise that nothing is impossible if you are willing to work hard for it.

SISB has a very strong university counselling team and they gave huge support to the students to apply to the university of our dreams.

Cherish the moments you have left as a high school student. After we graduate, we have to be ready to grow apart and focus on our future paths. It is not scary to graduate, just cherish the time you have left in school and enjoy it. Work hard, and always push to become the best version of yourself. Also, don’t give up on your dreams.”

Chanoknan Rochanasmith – Three

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