SISB Chiangmai: The SISB Christmas Fete was a sparkling success! ✨

On the last school day of 2023, the Singapore International School Chiangmai. held a special Christmas Fete to raise money for a local orphanage.

From dazzling performances by our highly talented students, to exciting festive games, to an art auctoin and a craft sale overflowing with Christmas treasures, our school community truly embraced the spirit of the season.

We’re bursting with gratitude for everyone who helped make this event so special. Your dedication and enthusiasm brought joy to countless faces, and raised 87,880 THB for the orphanage at Ubonrat Princess Chiangdao School.

If you missed the merriment, don’t despair – we’ve captured the magic in these festive pbotos!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!

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