SISB Suvarnabhumi: K Level – Project Based Learning (PBL)

On November 24th-25th, 2022, the K1 and K2 levels at SISB Suvarnabhumi held their exhibitions to showcase the students’ Project Based Learning (PBL), working on the “Our Community, Our World” and “Global Citizenship” units, respectively. For over a month, all Kindergarten students worked together and collaborated on a number of projects that centered around their driving questions. The K1 students presented all their newly acquired knowledge by displaying many crafts done by themselves around the driving question, What Can I Find in My Community?. All parents were invited to participate and share with their children. The crafts K1 students presented included a whole Mini City, A Flower Suncatcher and a Booklet that documented all their individual and collective experiences along the month. At the K2 exhibition, parents were invited to join the children as they showcased their work around the driving question, What Does it Mean to Be a Global Citizen?. The kids proudly explained the work that they had been doing, and were even able to demonstrate their learning by walking their families through some of the interactive stations. All K2 students tried to address the issue of Global Pollution. Different solutions were presented, including an Energy Saving Illumination System, Sail Cars, and 3 different Environmental Projects designed to clean up Land, Air and Water. All parents were able to participate, ask questions, share their opinions, ideas and enjoy some quality time with their children. It was a fun and informative time for all, and the Kindergarten team would like to send a massive thank you to all parents that attended and, of course, to our students for being consistently amazing. Special thanks to all K level parents for their generous contribution to our We Give We Share initiative that every year brings so much joy and happiness to many children in need. The NK department at SISB SV are extremely grateful for your support and generosity!

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

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