SISB Suvarnabhumi: Global Chinese Recitation Competition 2024

SISB Suvarnabhumi students participated in the Global Chinese Recitation Competition 2024 (2024 第七届全球华语朗诵大赛) which ended in May. More than 150 students from 60 primary schools in Thailand participated in the competition. On June 19, 2024, during morning assembly, Assistant Principal Peyman awarded certificates to the winners.

The entire SISB Suvarnabhumi school community would like to congratulate Tanya and Yim, from P4 Love, who won the Outstanding Performance Awards (二等奖), as well as the other 5 participating students and their parents. The SISB community can also take great pride in our amazing Chinese teachers.

Second Prize Category Award(二等奖)
Tanya – Wenran Xie P4L 《 我长大了 》
Yim- Raveeporn Raveekanchana P4L 《假如我是李白》

Third Prize Category Award(三等奖)
Tiger- Marwin Song P3L 《龟兔赛跑》
John- John Li P3J 《龟兔赛跑》
Melody- Maylody Loetamphan P4 《假如我是妈妈
Chenxi Deng- P6 《假如我是一个自闭症儿童》

Seven- Yanyu Gu《汉服之韵》

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