SISB Pracha Uthit: ❤️ Nursery-Kindergarten Experience Day ❤️

❤️ Nursery-Kindergarten Experience Day ❤️
Sign up today: >> Click Here <<

⭐️ For children 18 months to 6 years old
⭐️ Experience actual Nursery-Kindergarten lessons
⭐️ Speak with school leaders and teachers
⭐️ Learn more about the admissions process
⭐️ Find out the TOP reasons why you should choose SISB!
⭐️ Only 950 THB per session (snack included)
⭐️ Includes Chinese sessions
📌 Only 1 parent allowed to accompany the child during the class
📌 Maximum of 10 families per class.

DS NK Experience MAR 2024 DS

Sign up today: >> Click Here <<

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