Join Our Open House!
March 16, 2024 (Saturday)
Sign up:

📌 For children 2-18 years old
📌 Experience the unique SISB education pathway
📌 The best curricula – Singapore and United Kingdom
📌 Speak with school leaders, teachers and students
📌 Learn more about the admissions process
📌 Take a tour of our world-class school and sports facilities
📌 Newest campus of the largest international school group in Thailand
📌 Opportunity to view all sections – Nursery-Kindergarten, Primary & Sixth Form

ATTRACTIVE PROMOTION 💓50% discount on the Enrolment fee
🔹 More than 20 years of experience in international education
🔹 Multilingual teaching and learning in English, Thai and Chinese
🔹 Holistic education with 21st-Century skills: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and more
🔹 Focused on both inside and beyond the classroom
🔹 Best international school with accessible tuition fees
🔹 Each level works closely with the other to ensure a smooth transition
🔹 Proven pathway to top universities – Cambridge, National University of Singapore, Chulalongkorn

Reach us and find out more: