SISB Nonthaburi : πŸ§§πŸ‰ Chinese New Year show !! 🐲🌟

SISB Nonthaburi’s Chinese New Year show !!

In the Year of the Dragon with joy and enthusiasm.

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Click the link here to experience with SISB Nonthaburi NK and Primary!

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SISB Nonthaburi’s Chinese New Year show was a spectacular celebration of culture, tradition, and community spirit. With vibrant performances ranging from traditional dances to contemporary skits, the event showcased the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage. Students poured their hearts into every act, displaying remarkable talent and dedication.

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From graceful fan dances to energetic lion dances, the audience was treated to a mesmerising display of skill and creativity. The show not only entertained but also educated, with informative presentations about the significance of Chinese New Year customs and rituals.

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Beyond the performances, the event fostered a sense of unity and belonging among students, parents, and staff. It was a testament to the school’s commitment to promoting cultural diversity and understanding.

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Overall, the Chinese New Year show at SISB was a resounding success, leaving everyone inspired and uplifted as they welcomed the Year of the Dragon with joy and enthusiasm.

For more adorable pictures, please click Here.

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