SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary Halloween Celebration 2023

SISB Suvarnabhumi Primary students embraced the spirit of Halloween with immense enthusiasm. On Oct 31, the school’s multi-purpose hall became a colourful spectacle as students, adorned in a diverse array of imaginative costumes, brought their creativity to life. To commence the celebration, a brief but fascinating overview of the history of Halloween was presented. The excitement was heightened with the captivating costume presentation by both students and teachers from Primary 1 to 6. The excitement escalated when, at the end of the day, the students eagerly traversed the corridors and classrooms armed with bags filled with treats. They exchanged joyful moments with friends, creating a sense of camaraderie that extended beyond classroom activities. The Halloween 2023 celebration became not just a moment in time but an enduring, cherished memory etched in the hearts of all Primary students. Happy Halloween!

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Primary Halloween Celebration
Primary Halloween Celebration

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