SISB Suvarnabhumi: K2 Graduation 2023

SISB SV K2 Graduation was held on June 27, 2023, at the SISB SV campus gymnasium. It was a joyous and memorable event. During the ceremony, students showed excitement and joy seeing their friends, teachers, and parents all present. Each class showcased their cherished memories through a heartwarming video before receiving their certifications. The graduates sung a finale song “Ready to Go”, symbolising their readiness to embark on the next chapter of their lives.

Following the ceremony, there was a lively Graduation Walk which filled the atmosphere with excitement and pride. NK students, teachers and parents cheered enthusiastically as the graduates walked down from the gymnasium. The sense of unity and support was very evident, creating a warm and encouraging environment.

To commemorate the occasion, students received personalised key chains featuring their photos, which will serve as a lasting memento of their Kindergarten days. Each student happily brought home a snack box together with their keychain.

It was a day filled with happiness and celebration, creating lasting memories for everyone involved. It was a celebration of achievements and friendships and it signals a bright future ahead for our K2 graduates.

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

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