SISB Suvarnabhumi: English Challenge Lower Primary AY2023/2024

During the week of Sept 18, Lower Primary Students at Suvarnabhumi campus had their chance to participate in the English Challenge Week. Primary 1 students came together to see who would be crowned the English Kahoot Champion. On Sept 22, Primary 2 students completed a written IXL Quiz and were placed on the accuracy of their answers and quickest time. The Primary 3 students learnt about adjectives to make their writing more interesting. To practise, they created acrostic poems using the word ‘CHALLENGE’. The students enjoyed the creative exercise and it was a fun and educational way to wrap up our adjective lessons. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners next week!

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

2023.9.22 English Challenge (Lower Primary – P1 to P3)

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