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Wai Khru Day

SISB Nonthaburi held its inaugural Wai Khru ceremony on Thursday, Sept 29th. Although it was a small ceremony, it was very personal and good for students to practise this important Thai cultural event. The SISB senior management joined us for the ceremony as well as all the existing teachers in SISB Nonthaburi. First, Principal Larry…

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Chinese New Year

SISB Nonthaburi celebrated the recent Chinese New Year with a range of activities for students in grades P1 to P6. The event was a fun and vibrant celebration of Chinese culture, and provided students with a great opportunity to learn about Chinese traditions and customs. Students had the opportunity to dress up in traditional Chinese…

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SISB Nonthaburi: Lower Primary Science

Welcome to SISB Nonthaburi’s science class for P1 and P2 students! Our young learners have been studying materials, textures and colours and have been using their natural curiosity to explore the world around them. On a lovely, sunny Friday morning, our young scientists went outside on a colour hunt to observe and discover different colours…


SISB Nonthaburi: Learning Chinese

At SISB Schools, Chinese is a compulsory subject that further develops students’ linguistic skills to make them truly tri-lingual global citizens. Our team of experienced Chinese teachers make learning Chinese fun using the Singaporean curriculum and the latest online platforms that boost students’ interest and skills. Writing can be one of the more challenging aspects…