SISB Thonburi: Primary Children’s Day Celebration

The halls of SISB Thonburi echoed with laughter and joy as the students celebrated Children’s Day.

The celebration kicked off with various activities aimed at promoting creativity and teamwork among the students. From art and craft sessions to collaborative projects, the children were given the opportunity to express themselves freely while working together towards common goals.

The students were treated to a heartwarming movie about friendship. The movie not only entertained them but also conveyed valuable lessons about the importance of camaraderie, loyalty, and understanding.

The climax of the celebration was the class party. The spirit of sharing was evident as children exchanged goodies, snacks, and stories. It not only reinforced the bonds of friendship but also taught the valuable lesson of generosity and sharing.

It was a day filled with smiles, laughter, and memories that the students will cherish for years to come, a substantial recognition of the teachers’ dedicated efforts.

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