©2025 SISB Schools.
How to report or complain
In order to treat all stakeholders equally and with fairness in accordance with the principles of supervision of the business, the Company has provided a channel for receiving whistleblowing or complaints showing that there are stakeholders who have been affected or are at risk by the Company’s business operation or the practice of directors, executives, employees or employees of the Company in illegal or ethical conduct including any behavior that may imply corruption, unequal treatment or lack of caution and indiscretion.
Reporting complaints of misconduct by providing the name, address and contact phone number with reliable information and evidence (if any)
By mail: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee
SISB Public Company Limited
498/12 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Tepleela 1)
Kwang Wang Thonglang Khet Wang Thonglang, Bangkok 10310
Email to Chairman of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee at whistleblow@sisb.ac.th
©2025 SISB Schools.