“My time in SISB will forever be a memorable journey. The transition from a local school in Hong Kong to SISB was a big change, but I have no regrets. SISB has been with me at every step, and has seen me grow as a person. From the impeccable teaching staff to the friendly environment, I’ve certainly enjoyed my time here and I will forever be grateful for the memories.
I am fortunate to be surrounded by teachers who give their whole heart to students, nurturing students and supporting their passion in every possible way. Furthermore, SISB has also provided me with great extracurricular activities. Most notably, school team football, which I had the privilege of being captain, and Drama, where I met amazing people, and was given the opportunity to gain soft skills such as leadership, teamwork and time management.
Most importantly, I will be forever grateful for the friends I made. The memories, the laughter and the fun that we shared will be forever etched in my mind, and I wish every single one of them a fruitful and successful future. Thank you, SISB, for taking me in as a naive boy in the winter of 2016, and nurturing me into a man with ambition and passion.
On a lighter note, don’t underestimate how quickly time flies by. Always try to have fun at the right times and as much as possible. Go out and experience the world around you and create memories because in the blink of an eye, you will be on your way out, looking back at those memories with joy and gratitude.”
Ka Hei Lee – Maurice
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