[University Offers 2024] Phimabsorn Vivian Ho – Vivian (Zhejiang)

“My time at Singapore International School of Bangkok has been truly memorable. One of my favourite memories is studying with friends, supporting and encouraging one another through challenges. Initially, my English skills were not strong, which made the IB Diploma Programme difficult for me. However, with the unwavering support of my teachers, friends, and my own determination, I improved significantly and successfully completed the programme. This journey taught me the value of friendship, shaping me into a more confident and capable individual. The friendships and experiences gained from this school will always hold a special place in my heart.

The SISB counselling team helped and supported me with the university application and gave me great advice on the university.

You may encounter difficulties, but remember there’s always a way through. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Stay resilient and open to learning from every experience, and you will emerge stronger and wiser. Susu na ka! 加油,你可以的!”

Phimabsorn Vivian Ho – Vivian

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