On Nov 5, our Nursery-Kindergarten students had an exciting visit from the firetruck! The firefighters gave an educational talk on fire safety and demonstrated their equipment to the students. Everyone was thrilled to watch as the firefighters showcased different techniques for using the water hoses. After the demonstration, each class had a chance to take a photo and get a closer look at the firetruck. A big thank you to our local fire department for their generous time this morning! Fire safety education is essential for our Nursery-Kindergarten students, helping them build awareness of safety practices from an early age. Learning about fire safety empowers our young learners to recognise risks and understand basic safety measures, which can make a lasting impact on their confidence and wellbeing. This experience also ties into our learning theme about various occupations, where students explore and appreciate the roles of community helpers like firefighters. Engaging with real-life professionals gives our students a hands-on understanding of the vital work firefighters do to keep us safe.
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