SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary Earth Day

On April 22, was a significant day for our planet as the Primary section at SISB Suvarnabhumi honored Earth Day under the theme ‘Planet vs. Plastic,’ a crucial issue we must address. We seized the opportunity to educate and inspire our students during a special morning assembly, emphasizing the vital importance of this day.

Deputy Science HOD Eric took the stage to instill a sense of responsibility in our children, teaching them practical ways to care for our planet. From simple acts like picking up litter to impactful efforts like planting trees and recycling, every action counts in preserving our environment.

We empowered our students with knowledge on reducing water usage and conserving energy by encouraging them to turn off lights when not in use. Additionally, we stressed the significance of minimizing plastic consumption, opting for eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible.

The students embraced the challenge of becoming stewards of the Earth, eager to make a positive difference in their communities and beyond.

As we reflect on Earth Day, let us carry forward the momentum of our school’s collective efforts. Together, we can cultivate a culture of environmental consciousness that extends far beyond a single day of celebration.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Earth Day activities and embraced the spirit of ‘Planet vs. Plastic.’ Together, we are making strides towards a greener, cleaner world. 🌱♻️

#EarthDay #PlanetVsPlastic #SISBSV #Sustainability #EnvironmentalEducation #SISB #InternationalSchool #HolisticEducation

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

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