SISB Suvarnabhumi: Nursery-Kindergarten Wai Kru 2023

We celebrated Wai Kru (Teachers’ Appreciation Day) at SV on Sept 15.

Wai Kru is a heartwarming occasion filled with gratitude and appreciation for teachers. This programme was a sincere gesture of recognition for the invaluable role teachers play in shaping young minds.

The students recited Pagella, a special poem with well-wishes for their teachers’ prosperity and well-being. As a testament to the students’ love for their teachers, some showcased their talents by dancing and singing. Other students tenderly offered flowers made of sweets, symbolising their deep respect and admiration for their teachers.

The highlight of the programme was a touching video presentation featuring all the teachers. Students were so amazed as they watched their beloved teachers on the screen. This heartfelt display of appreciation left both students and teachers teary-eyed with happiness.

After the programme, students returned to their classrooms, where they continued to express their gratitude by presenting more flowers to their teachers. This solemn and touching event reinforced the bond between students and teachers and filled the hearts of teachers with profound joy and fulfilment.

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

NK Wai Kru 2023
NK Wai Kru 2023
NK Wai Kru 2023
NK Wai Kru 2023
NK Wai Kru 2023

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