SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kangaroo Math Competition

The Kangaroo Math Competition is an international school-level mathematics competition organised by the Association Kangourou Sans Frontieres (AKSF), a transnational education group based in Paris, France. Founded in the early 1980’s, Kangaroo Math Competition is now the world’s largest math competition with more than 6 million participants from some 80 countries.

● it is a unique competition that is different from other math competitions such as Math Olympiads
● the KMT syllabus is less advanced than other Olympiad competitions and students can compete without taking any special training
● the KMT syllabus incorporates the school syllabus which makes KMC different from other competitions that test knowledge beyond the school syllabus
● KMT caters to all school students from Grade 1 to Grade 12 with six different categories with differing levels of difficulty

SISB Suvarnabhumi aims to provide our students with exposure to interesting math problems, designed by internationally renowned math educators. On March 22, 2023, Primary 1 to 6 students took part in the Kangaroo Math Competition. It involves 24 multiple-choice questions for Primary 1 -3 and 30 multiple-choice questions for Primary 5 & 6 and it will have a time duration of 90 minutes.

Results of the competition will be released on May 4, 2023. We are so excited and look forward to it.

#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools

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