SISB Nonthaburi: Embark on a Geographical Journey with Our Grade 8 Students!

This term at SISB Nonthaburi, the Grade 8 Geography class has been immersed in the captivating realm of cartography. With a focus on refining their mapping skills, students have explored population density and the intricate art of crafting choropleth maps.

Analysing each province of Thailand with precision, students calculated population density and translated their findings into visually striking choropleth maps. Carefully selecting suitable bands, they effectively communicated the nuanced variations in population density across regions.

Venturing beyond, these emerging cartographers have also dived into the creation of thematic maps. Infusing creativity and geographical insight, they’ve artfully presented their own collected data, transforming it into visually engaging and informative representations.

We commend the diligent efforts and commitment of our Grade 8 students in mastering these cartographic techniques. Their achievements in the field of geography are truly commendable. Bravo, Grade 8 students, for skillfully navigating the intricate world of maps with both precision and creativity!

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