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SISB Chiangmai: Nurturing 21-st Century Citizens

At SISB Chiangmai we inspire to help our students become well-rounded individuals. To do this we have adopted the IB learner attributes as our school’s Learner Profile. We support and encourage our students to be; inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. Over the course of the year, students in the…

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Celebrating the success of Academic Year 2021/2022

On 30 June 2022, our Sixth Form students and staff gathered at the Sixth Form Auditorium to celebrate the success of the completion of the academic year 2021/2022. The celebration started with the opening speech by our Principal, Mr. Edwin Wong, who reiterated the importance of being A Scholar, A Leader & A Global Citizen….

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NK Spelling Bee

As a culminating activity in Phonics, the K2 students had their Spelling Bee at the NK canteen on Tuesday, 28 June 2022. Our great thinkers were able to spell phonics and sight words learnt this academic year. The two overall winners of both classes had their final competition and Martin of K2-Love and Burton of…

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Virtual No More; SV P6 Grads Delighted to Have In-Person-Ceremony

Graduation is the day we put on our gown, doff our hat, strut, smile, celebrate, and earn that diploma. And that’s exactly what our graduates did today, as they proudly walked up to the podium to receive their diploma. After two years of restrictions effectively blocking graduates from having the ceremonies, SV P6 graduates of…