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Congratulations to our new Prefectorial Board members

We have a mantra in the Primary Prefectorial Board that you have to “Lead to Learn and Learn To Lead”. This brings out the importance of actively participating and being in the forefront of meaningful moments to learn about how life-changing some of these moments are. We had one of these moments recently in the…

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Kindergarten 1 and 2 Project-Based Learning units in November focused on global citizenship and helping others. With the driving questions, “What does it mean to be a global citizen?” and “How can I become a global citizen?”, our Kindergarten students learnt and experienced lots about empathising with and helping others. Part of our unit comprised…

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💓Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) for Grade 7 – 9 and 11P ✨

The first Parent-Teacher Meeting for Grade 7- 9 & 11P took place on Dec 2 at Sixth Form School. Student, parent/guardian and teacher participate in a three-way discussion where students had the opportunity to share with their parents/guardians what they have learnt, some of the works they are most proud of, some of the areas…


Congratulations to our shuttlers at the KOA KAEW GAME in Rayong.

Congratulations to our shuttlers from the SISB Academy for their great showing at the KOA KAEW GAME #4 on 26-27 Nov 2022 in Rayong. Chonnatee Liu (Sunny) P2Love 🥉Second runner-up: Boys Single (Under-9) 🥇Winner: Boys Doubles (Under-9) Saichon Liu ( Seesun) P5Faith 🥇Winner: Boys Single (Under-11) 🥇 Winner: Boys Doubles ( Under-11) Theerachpong Kanjanabat (Idea)…

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Duke of Edinburgh International Awards Presentation Ceremony

On Nov 25th, 2022, our Sixth Form School had our Duke of Edinburgh International Awards Presentation Ceremony. A total of 29 students received their Silver Award and 31 students received their Bronze Award. Our students have braved through the Covid-19 Pandemic restrictions and finally completed this long drawn award journey. Congratulations!


Primary Drama Fest

In its third year, the Primary Drama Fest has put up an ambitious production this time around. Titled “It Goes Without Saying”, this presentation of selected drama skits showcased storylines without a single line of dialogue in it. Its core concept is a show featuring the art of Mime. And it was exceptionally done by…


CSR Project at Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Nakhon Nayok

SISB has once again chosen Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Nakhon Nayok Special Education Centre as the beneficiary of our Primary Drama Production and CSR Project for this academic year titled “Monster Force ”. As part of the inspirational and motivational preparations for the production, we arranged for the student-cast members of the Gifted & Talented Drama…

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The SISB Merlions Swim Team at the ISB Swimfest 2022

The SISB Merlions Swim Team participated in the ISB Swimfest 2022 on Nov 12-13, one of the most important swimming events of the year. 24 international schools and swim teams and more than 1000 swimmers took part in the event. SISB Merlions swimmers showed an outstanding performance, getting a lot of medals and personal best…