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🌏 The International Friendship Week, with the culminating Culture Tour on 2 March!

🤩It has been rewarding to observe the students’ excitement and creativity in decorating the Sixth Form classrooms and in crafting their performances for the day! Let us also use this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to all Class Teachers and Assistant Class Teachers for your unquestionable belief in and tireless support of your students,…

SISB X Academy For The Talented University of Hong Kong

SISB X Academy For The Talented (University of Hong Kong)

We are proud to be a partner of the University of Hong Kong, one of the top universities in the world, to nominate students for its Academy for the Talented. This academy provides opportunities for students to further develop their interests in a wide range of academic disciplines, emphasising personal growth and holistic development through…

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Educational Books and Games Fair at Pracha Uthit Campus, March 9-10

As part of our literacy celebrations this week, we will be having an “Educational Books and Games Fair” at the SISB Pracha Uthit Campus. We have invited 11 vendors specialising in educational books and games to display their wares outside the Primary Library and inside the L&M Café. The books and games fair will run…


K1 outdoor education experience at Moori Play Farm

At SISB, we strongly believe that outdoor education is a vital component of our students’ development, and helps to broaden their horizons and ignite their passion for learning. Our K1 students had a wonderful experience at Moori Play Farm. They got the chance to get up close with farm animals like chickens, ducks, geese, and…

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P5 residential trip at Rayong

From Feb 13 to 15, 2023, Primary 5 students and staff members from SISB Pracha Uthit campus and SISB Suvarnabhumi campus enjoyed a fantastic residential trip at Rayong. Surrounded by nature and, more importantly, good friends, the students learnt new skills, developed lasting friendships, and courageously attempted activities that they had never experienced before! Our…

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💓Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) for Grade 7 – 9 and 11P ✨

The Parent-Teacher Meeting for Grade 7- 9 & 11P took place on Feb 10 at Sixth Form School. Student, parent/guardian and teacher participate in a three-way discussion where students had the opportunity to share with their parents/guardians what they have learnt, some of the works they are most proud of, some of the areas of…

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SISB Sixth Form School (PU) Student Council AY 2022/23.

On Feb 10, 2023, a total of 73 councillors from the Sixth Form School were installed as student councillors. All councillors went through a stringent selection process that includes writing an essay, endorsement from their class teacher and interviews with a panel of teachers and principals. After they have been selected, they would be put…

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Congratulations to our students, received awards from the Global Chinese Youth Music Instrument Exhibition.

On a recent Primary Assembly, recognition was given to the students who received awards from the Global Chinese Youth Music Instrument Exhibition. Congratulations to the following students and thank you to our very supportive parents and Chinese teachers. ⭐️ Ling Ling P6J- Individual Bronze Award Thai Instrument ⭐️ Team- Group Silver Award (Gale P6L /…


Aesthetics Class for NK Children

Our school’s Aesthetics Department (Music, Movement and Art) is dedicated to fostering creativity starting from Nursery-Kindergarten. These classes are not just fun and creative, but also play a crucial role in the overall development of young children. Music helps with language development and improves memory skills, movement promotes physical coordination and balance, and art fosters…