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SISB Pracha Uthit: Winter Camp Wonders 2023 : A Fusion of Learning, Creativity, and Joy!

Our Winter Camp 2023 unfolded as a splendid tapestry of education and unity, bringing smiles to every participant. Enthusiastic teachers crafted engaging lessons that not only sparked a love for learning but also fueled the creative fire within students as they joyously constructed their unique board games. From triumphant team-building activities to the impressive student…

SISB Pracha Uthit: Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards

SISB Pracha Uthit: Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards

We are proud to witness our students receive their Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award: Adiluck Lertkomvat (Chainer) – Top student for Cambridge IGCSE in the whole of Thailand – Top in Thailand: International Mathematics – Best Across Eight: First Place in Thailand Panittha Maneesutham (Punch) – High Achievement: English Language (Cambridge International AS Level) Alan Le…

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SISB Pracha Uthit: HKU Academy for the Talented Program.

We are thrilled to announce and celebrate the remarkable achievement of 16 talented SISB students who have been nominated for the prestigious HKU (Hong Kong University) Academy for the Talented Programme. The event took place on Oct 7 at the Shangri-La Bangkok. The HKU Academy for the Talented is a showcase of the brightest young…

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SISB Pracha Uthit: CSR English Language Project

For the seventh year running, the community at SISB Pracha Uthit has been working together hand-in-hand to support the community around us. On Oct 21, we welcomed the students of Phraram 9 Kanchanapisek School and Wat Samakkeethum School to the SISB-Corporate Social Responsibility English Language Project, where our teachers, staff, students and parents support the…

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SISB Pracha Uthit: SISB Winter Camp 2023

In a world dominated by screens and pixels, it’s time to step back, unplug, and experience the joy of tactile gaming and human connection. Introducing “SISB Winter Camp 2023 – GameCraft: Unplug, Design, Connect” – an innovative and immersive school camp event designed to inspire creativity, critical thinking, and meaningful interaction among students. For more…

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SISB Pracha Uthit: 👨‍👩‍👦 Mummy, Daddy & Me

[Open to public | Pracha Uthit] 👨‍👩‍👦 Mummy, Daddy & Me: A playgroup for families with children aged 18 months to 3 years old. 🌟 Play and learn through toddler-friendly activities🎯 Outdoor play 🎯 Sensory play 🎯 Role play 🎯 Music awareness 🎯 Art and craft 🎯 Storytelling 🎯 Social and language development 🌟 Develop…

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SISB Pracha Uthit: 💖 A Parenting Workshop 💖by Aga M Rahmoeller

[OPEN TO PUBLIC] Supportive parenting: Setting boundaries with love 💖 💁🏼‍♀️By Aga M Rahmoeller 🗓 Oct 20, 2023 You will learn how to: 🔸Reduce arguments and difficult behaviours 🔹Reduce/regulate your child’s screen time 🔸Successfully support your child’s academic success 🔹Set clear rules, limits routines at home 🔸Increase your child’s growing independence ☎️ Sign up now:…