SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary 4 Residential Trip, Nong Nooch

The SISB SV P4 students, along with students from Pracha Uthit and Thonburi campuses, went on a fun-filled residential trip to Nong Nooch on March 28 and 29, 2023. The trip was a perfect opportunity for the students to learn about and experience Thai culture while bonding with their peers outside the classroom. The main…

SISB EngComp 008

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Hippo Initial, English Competition

The staff of SISB Suvarnabhumi would like to extend their heartfelt congratulations to the 24 students from SISB SV who participated in the 2023 International English Language Olympiad Preliminary Round. The Hippo English Without Borders preliminary round was held on April 19, 2023, at SV campus. The competition proved to be a rigorous test of…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: U11 Basketball Tournament

On March 25, 2023, the SISB SV Basketball team participated in the U11 Basketball Tournament at SISB’s Thonburi campus. The tournament was highly competitive, and the SISB SV team displayed great determination and teamwork, working together to overcome challenges on the court. The team showed excellent sportsmanship, respecting their opponents and displaying great enthusiasm for…

SISB P3 6CHC 014

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary 3-6, Chinese Poetry recitation Challenge

On April 21, 2023, the SISB Suvarnabhumi Chinese department held the 1st Chinese Challenge “Poetry Recitation” on campus. This event aims to encourage students of Primary to strive to enjoy reading Chinese books and be confident in speaking Chinese. There were 20 students from P3-P6 who participated in the final round at the school gymnasium….


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Term 2 Kindergarten PTM/PBL Exhibition

Our Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) on March 30, 2023, was a wonderful opportunity for students to share their Project-Based Learning (PBL) journey with their parents. The focus of the PBL theme was about animals. It allowed students to learn about the world around them in a fun and engaging way. K1 students were able to observe…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kangaroo Math Competition

The Kangaroo Math Competition is an international school-level mathematics competition organised by the Association Kangourou Sans Frontieres (AKSF), a transnational education group based in Paris, France. Founded in the early 1980’s, Kangaroo Math Competition is now the world’s largest math competition with more than 6 million participants from some 80 countries. ● it is a…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: P1 Experience Day for K2 Students

On March 20 and 21, K2 students of SISB Suvarnabhumi took part in the activity-based Primary 1 Experience Day. The day was exciting and stimulating and it will help to prepare the K2 students for the next stage of their educational journey. Through a range of engaging activities, the students explored what it is like…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Music in the Park – NK(2)

On Monday, March 20, 2023, SISB Suvarnabhumi NK students participated in SV’s second annual Music in the Park. The objective of this event was to expose the students to different experiences so they can grow holistically and with confidence. The students put on a great performance and demonstrated their musical skills by singing and playing…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Songkran Celebration 2023 – Primary

On March 27, 2023, SISB Suvarnabhumi students celebrated Songkran Festival. Students participated in merit-making, offering dried food for monks, and the water pouring ceremony by the principal and teachers. Students also participated in various Songkran activities. The students painted flower pots, watched movies in class and played water together. Some selected students performed on stage….