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SISB Suvarnabhumi: NK Dot Day 2023

Hello, SISB Community! 🌟 We had a fantastic International Dot Day at the SISB Nursery-Kindergarten on Sept 15! Our little ones dressed up in their spotty best and celebrated the power of creativity and self-expression. 🎨 With the helping hands of our wonderful parent volunteers, our kids had a blast exploring different activities like painting…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary International Dot Day 2023

Our Primary section commemorated International Dot Day with Principal Irene sharing what the event is about and presenting the story ‘The Dot’ to the school community during the morning assembly on Sept 11. On the actual day of the event Sept 15, students, teaching staff and support staff participated in an activity of sticking dot…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary Wai Kru 2023

On Sept 14, the Wai Kru ceremony was held in honour of all educators in Suvarnabhumi campus. The students showed appreciation and respect to the teachers during this ceremony for guiding them well. Primary student representatives presented teachers and members of the SISB Management Team with Thai dessert in the shape of flowers and Thai…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Nursery-Kindergarten Wai Kru 2023

We celebrated Wai Kru (Teachers’ Appreciation Day) at SV on Sept 15. Wai Kru is a heartwarming occasion filled with gratitude and appreciation for teachers. This programme was a sincere gesture of recognition for the invaluable role teachers play in shaping young minds. The students recited Pagella, a special poem with well-wishes for their teachers’…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kangaroo Math Competition 2023

The Kangaroo Math Competition is an international school-level mathematics competition organised by the Association Kangourou sans Frontieres (AKSF), a transnational education group based in Paris, France. Kangaroo Math Thailand (KMT) 2023 marked the 5th year of Kangaroo Math Competition in Thailand. In a dazzling display of mathematical prowess, a group of exceptional students from Singapore…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Mummy, Daddy and Me 2023/24

The weekly Mummy, Daddy, and Me programme at SISB Suvarnabhumi is returning! All families with children aged 15 to 24 months are welcome to attend our programme. Learn as a family about a variety of topics, including outdoor play, social and language development, Chinese, and music awareness. We are looking forward to welcoming you to…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: K2 Graduation 2023

SISB SV K2 Graduation was held on June 27, 2023, at the SISB SV campus gymnasium. It was a joyous and memorable event. During the ceremony, students showed excitement and joy seeing their friends, teachers, and parents all present. Each class showcased their cherished memories through a heartwarming video before receiving their certifications. The graduates…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary Orientation Day AY2023/24

SISB Suvarnabhumi had our orientation day for the Primary section on Aug 11, 2023. There was a briefing by Principal Irene about the school’s guiding statements, curriculum, assessment and administrative matters. The academic team was also introduced to the parents and students. Thereafter, parents and students were brought to the classrooms to meet the class…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary 1 Team Building AY2023/2024

On Sept 1, the eagerly anticipated Primary 1 Team Building event planned by our PE department took place at the Multi-Purpose Hall. The event was marked by excitement as Assistant Principal Peyman Saberi welcomed the Primary 1 students and teachers with an opening message. This event showcased the remarkable qualities embodied by our Primary 1…