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SISB Thonburi: Phasi Chareon District Office Health and Environment Department Visit

On June 6, the management team of Singapore International School Thonburi welcomed officials from the Health and Environmental Department of Phasi Charoen District Office and Public Health Center 47 Khlong Khwang for a routine inspection and evaluation of the school’s food sanitation and hygiene practices. We were commended for our processes and would like to…

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SISB Thonburi: Primary Outstanding Behaviour Award for the Month of May 2024

On Thursday, May 30, we celebrated our remarkable students who have demonstrated outstanding behaviour and embodied our core school values of Independence, Responsibility, Respect, and Resilience. We are incredibly proud of their exemplary conduct, which serves as a shining example of the positive and achievement-oriented culture we strive to cultivate within our school community. Please…

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SISB Thonburi: Sixth Form Dragon Boat Festival

On June 12, in a vibrant celebration of Chinese culture and tradition, our Sixth Form students from Grades 7 and 8 immersed themselves in the rich heritage of the Dragon Boat Festival. The Chinese department organised an educational and interactive event that featured a knowledge contest and sachet-making activities, providing a holistic learning experience that…

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SISB Thonburi: Taekwondo Belt Test (Term 3)

We are thrilled to congratulate all our students who successfully passed their belt tests on Saturday, June 15. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance were clearly evident, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements. Each of you demonstrated exceptional skill and spirit, making this milestone truly memorable. A big thank you to everyone who…

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SISB Thonburi: Whole School House Colour Event

We’re thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our SISB TR Whole School House Colour event! From K2 to Secondary-Sixth Form, students showcased amazing team spirit and dedication. Congratulations to all Houses, especially the Red Leopards for their well-deserved victory! Your enthusiasm and teamwork were outstanding. A big thank you to Head of School Narisa,…