[University Offers 2024] Panitha Maneesutham – Punch (Chula)

“Initially, I had a challenging time adjusting to SISB when I made the switch in Primary 5. However, after making friends here, I have grown to love this school. The teachers who have taught me have also been wonderful, always answering random questions that I might have. The A-level curriculum has equipped me with skills that I know will be useful in my future. Though the content is quite detailed, my teachers helped me comb through it extensively. This hard work paid off when I received the Cambridge High Achievement Award for my English Language AS level exams. Undoubtedly, my most memorable moments would be serving my school community as a student council member, and my local community as a member of ‘Dreamunity’.

The SISB counsellors helped me in strengthening my portfolio, and submitting my applications. They also supported me to keep up with my deadlines and check my personal essays.

Once you’ve figured out what you want to do, commit to it. Don’t let people hold you back, let your goals motivate you.”

Panitha Maneesutham – Punch

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