Celebrating the success of Academic Year 2021/2022

On 30 June 2022, our Sixth Form students and staff gathered at the Sixth Form Auditorium to celebrate the success of the completion of the academic year 2021/2022.

The celebration started with the opening speech by our Principal, Mr. Edwin Wong, who reiterated the importance of being A Scholar, A Leader & A Global Citizen. Indeed, our Sixth Form students shine like stars in the universe this academic year.

The celebration of the success started with awarding ceremony to students and student leaders on the following:

1. Certificate of Appreciation

– to acknowledge students who have contributed significantly to various school events

2. Student Council

– to acknowledge student leaders who have exhibited exceptionally excellence in student leadership

3. Vision Outcome Awards

– to acknowledge students who have demonstrated per school vision – A Scholar, A Leader & A Global Citizen

After the award ceremony, students from each class performed miracle spectacular musical songs and danced to signify the success of the completion of the year. All audiences have indeed applauded the students’ hard work preparing for the celebration. It was terrific that Sixth Form students did well academically and in the non-academic aspect!

The ceremony was then closed by our Head of School, Ms Narisa, with praises and acknowledgement of students’ outstanding self-directed & collaborative work in the execution of the celebration.

On behalf of SISB, we wish all Sixth Form students and staff a fruitful year in 2022/23!

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