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Primary 6 Final Debate

The Primary Thai Department recently held a series of debates for Primary 6, leading to the final competition on March 27, 2023. With the selected topic “Living in Bangkok Is More Convenient Than Living Up-Country” as the debate’s prompt, the best student debaters from SISB Pracha Uthit campus and SISB Thonburi campus came together for…

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SISB Pracha Uthit celebrated Songkran on March 30, 2023

SISB Pracha Uthit celebrated Songkran on March 30, 2023. Students and teachers were delighted and thrilled to watch various traditional Thai dances performed by students, accompanied by Thai instruments performed by the school’s Thai band. Students also learnt traditional values of Thai culture through the water-pouring and blessing ceremony involving teachers and students. Happy Songkran…

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The World Scholar’s Cup” Bangkok Round 2023

On March 25 and 26, three students from SISB Pracha Uthit attended “The World Scholar’s Cup” Bangkok Round 2023 held at Bangkok Patana School. The World Scholar’s Cup aims to be something different than a traditional academic competition or conference: a celebration of the joy of learning, a tournament as rewarding for the team that…


Art Exhibition Day

What is an Art Day? It’s that one day of the year when students get to fill their school-hours with Art-related activities. And we had a special one this week at SISB Pracha Uthit. It started with the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Primary Art Exhibition attended by Principal Hero and Head of School Dr Ong….

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Congratulations to our student winners of the recent American Math Olympiads Competition 2022

Congratulations to all our student winners of the recent American Math Olympiads Competition 2022! American Math Olympiad (AMO) is an international math competition for elementary, middle and high school students jointly organised by SIMCC and Southern Illinois University (SIU). It promotes the importance and a deeper understanding of math. AMO is open to all Grade…

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Sixth Form Music Recital

🎉On March 2, 2023, 🎵 our Sixth Form IGCSE and A levels Music students displayed their musical skills at the Music Recital. The objective of this show was to showcase their musical skills as part of the Cambridge Assessment. 🎶 Students worked very hard for their shows and they performed wonderful solos and ensembles. Particularly,…

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The Sixth Form Teachers took part in a session on Project Based Learning (PBL)

✨ As part of the ongoing Professional Development of teachers at SISB, The Sixth Form Teachers took part in a session on Project Based Learning (PBL). 💡 PBL teaches students to ask questions, develop their curiosity and present a final product to show understanding.🤝 Working in groups of six, this interactive session involved teachers sharing…