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Register for HSK

[OPEN TO PUBLIC] 🥳SISB will be holding the HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) ✍️More info & Register: https://bit.ly/SISB-HSK-23 (Registration deadline: 21 March 2023)🏫Test venue: Singapore International School of Bangkok (Pracha Uthit Campus), 498/11 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Tepleela 1), Wangthonglang, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand. 💓Contact us: Email: studentservice.pu@sisbschool.com Tel: +66 (0)2 158 9191 ext. 100 or 101

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Animals Project-Based Learning

The K1 level at SISB Pracha Uthit campus had a wonderful week as they invited parent volunteers into the classrooms, joining students at learning centres focused on their Animals Project-Based Learning unit. The children were thrilled to have their parents with them as they explored and learnt about different animals through various hands-on activities. Meanwhile,…

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Inaugural P5/P6 English Debate Tournament

Inaugural P5/P6 English Debate Tournament is a Smashing Success: Champions chosen!!! The first-ever SISB English Debate took place on Wednesday, March 29 March, 2023 in the SISB Pracha Uthit CAMC. The event was an amazing success! Student competitors impressed parents, teachers, and Senior Management with their logical arguments, persuasive use of English, and public speaking…

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The U13 and U15 Merlions Swim Team from PU Campus participated in the TISAC Swim Meet 2023

The U13 and U15 Merlions Swim Team from PU Campus participated in the TISAC Swim Meet 2023 on March 28, 2023, at Regent’s International School. Eight international schools took part in the event. SISB Merlions swimmers gave an outstanding performance, winning many medals and achieving personal best times. It was a fun and exciting day…