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SISB hosted the TISAC So You Think You Can Dance? Competition

On Friday, Nov 4th, SISB hosted the TISAC So You Think You Can Dance? Competition that involved nine international schools bringing their wonderful dance performers from primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary on the stage. It was such a lovely event to see our students supporting one another on stage and off stage and bringing…

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Primary Lunchtime Concert – November 9

The Primary Lunchtime Concerts are getting better and better. Recently, we were not only amazed to watch pianists, violinists, drummers and singers perform, but we’ve started getting exceptional student-dancers as well. A number of students who can sing and dance like popular K-Pop stars came to strut their stuff and move to the groove last…

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The Primary Teachers enjoyed “Me-Time” afternoon activities

The Primary Teachers enjoyed this week’s “Me-Time” afternoon activities with delight. The Staff Welfare Committee provided teachers with sessions on Art Therapy, Traditional Matcha Making and Sports-It-Up: Tabletennis. Me-Time is a fine time for teachers to relax and focus more on personal well-being as they face each school day with positivity and enthusiasm. For more…

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PU Math & Science Awards

🎉 Congratulations to our students who have achieved outstanding awards in various Maths and Science competitions! 1) Vanda Science Competition 2022 Vanda is an International Science Competition held annually around the globe for students from Primary 3 to Secondary 4. It follows the Singapore School Science Syllabus with a focus on higher order thinking skills….

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Congratulations to Suphitcha Watcharapruk 🥇 Top In Thailand – International Mathematics 🥇 Cambridge IGCSE

🥇 Top In Thailand – International Mathematics 🥇 Cambridge IGCSE Suphitcha Watcharapruk (Tiny) Her name is Tiny, but her achievements are anything but. Since joining SISB at the age of 3, she has blossomed into a Scholar. a Leader and a Global Citizen. SISB is proud to have been part of her journey! For her…

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Congratulations to Billy Andina 🥇 High Achievement – Information Technology 🥇 Cambridge AS Level

🥇 High Achievement – Information Technology 🥇 (Cambridge AS Level) Billy Andina ✅ Achieving the impossible✅ Realising dreams SISB is proud to have done our part! For his interview VDO, please click here.

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FOBISIA Gymnastics Invitational 2022 (26th November,2022)

FOBISIA Gymnastics Invitational 2022 (26th November,2022) Level 2 Junior 1. Panida Sophark 2. Amitabha Hannah Spires 3. Kannicha Khuntip 4. Nara Cheewapoonphol 5. Nalada Phothivisutwathee 6. Lana Khuntisuk Level 2 Senior 1. Khanyaphat Lojanagosin – 2nd place Floor exercise – 5th place All around – 3rd place Team overall 2. Dolapan Bhurichayawarodom – 1st place…