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SISB Suvarnabhumi: P6 Graduation 2023

On June 23, 2023, a momentous and inspiring graduation ceremony took place marking the culmination of years of dedication and hard work for the graduating Primary 6 Love class. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement as graduates, families, teachers, and school leaders gathered to celebrate this significant milestone. The ceremony was a reflection…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: SISB’s 3D competition – Landmarks of the Future

What if you could design a landmark for the future? That’s what these Primary 3 to 6 students did using a 3D Computer Assisted Drawing (CAD) program called Tinkercad. They learnt how to create and manipulate shapes, colours, and dimensions to express their vision of a futuristic landmark to compete in SISB’s 3D competition “Landmarks…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: NK End of Year Show (EOY)

On June 16, 2023, the End of Year Show for the SISB SV Pre-N to K1 classes was held. This event served as a platform to showcase the students’ talents and merge their Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Global Citizenship studies. The young participants captivated the audience with their remarkable dance routines and soulful singing, all…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Basketball Tournament

On March 25, 2023, SISB SV under-11 basketball team joined the first SISB Invitational Basketball Tournament held at SISB Thonburi. During the tournament, students displayed teamwork, skill, and determination. There were ups and downs but the team showed resilience and perseverance. Basketball can be unpredictable and demanding, but the team did not give up. Instead,…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kindergarten 2 to Primary 1 Transition Briefing

On Monday, May 15, 2023, our primary academic team held a Kindergarten 2 to Primary 1 transition briefing for our Kindergarten 2 parents. Principal Irene presented an overview of the Primary curriculum and assessments and also covered the administrative matters. The teachers from the various subject areas shared their learning outcomes and activities. It has…


SISB Suvarnabhumi: Donation – Christmas Fair to the Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Nakhon Nayok Special Education Centre

On Friday, May 12, 2023, SISB Suvarnabhumi made a donation of 53,006 THB from the net proceeds of the Christmas Fair to the Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Nakhon Nayok Special Education Centre. The donation would contribute towards the building of sensory integration classrooms as part of the development of the multi-sensory environment at the centre. #SISBSuvarnabhumi…

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SISB Suvarnabhumi: SISB Schools’ 3D Design Competition

What will the world look like in 2050 or beyond? These Primary 5 and Primary 6 students have some ideas and they are using Tinkercad to bring them to life. From skyscrapers to monuments, these landmarks showcase their creativity and skills. The SISB Schools’ 3D Design Competition is currently underway and all Primary 3 to…