2024.03.29 NK Music in the Park (Friday, morning assembly)

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Music in the Park (Kindergarten 2)

Our Kindergarten 2 students’ participation in the Music in the Park Show on March 29, was a delightful experience. Their confidence and enthusiasm on stage were truly captivating as they showcased their musical talents. Every moment was filled with joy and excitement, from their charming singing to their adorable instrument playing. It was evident that…

2024.03.29 N2 Term 2 PBL Exhibition

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Nursery 2 Term 2 PBL Exhibition

We are thrilled to share the incredible achievements of our Nursery 2 students at the recent PBL exhibition event held at SISB Suvarnabhumi campus on March 28, 2024! During our engaging Project-Based Learning (PBL) journey on animals, our students explored and learned so much about the fascinating world of animals. They delved into their habitats,…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kangaroo Math Competition

On March 27, SISB Suvarnabhumi students participated in The Kangaroo Math Competition (KMT) 2024 to enhance their creativity and critical thinking skills. The KMT is an international school-level mathematics competition, organized by the Association Kangourou sans Frontieres (AKSF), a transnational education group based in Paris, France. Founded in the early 1980’s, it is now the…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Nursery 1 Mini Fashion Show – Term 2 PBL Exhibition

We are pleased to share the highlights of our recent Term 2 PBL exhibition at Nursery 1 Love, which took place on March 28, 2024. Under the theme of exploring the fauna of the earth, our students showcased their hard work and creativity to their parents. Throughout the PBL weeks, parents had the opportunity to…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Kindergarten 2 to Primary 1 Transition Briefing for Parents

On March 25, our primary academic team hosted a transition briefing for the parents of our Kindergarten 2 students, preparing them for their children’s move to Primary 1 in the next academic year. Principal Irene provided an overview of the Primary curriculum, assessments, and addressed administrative matters. Subject heads and teachers presented the learning outcomes…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Chinese Challenge 2024

In order to encourage students to enjoy learning Chinese subjects, and promote their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, the SISB Suvarnabhumi Chinese department held the 2nd Chinese Challenge on campus. Group 1 Primary 1-2 students participated in the Penmanship Competition, and Group 2 P3-P6 students participated in the Poetry Recitation Challenge. After a two-round…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Primary 5 Residential Trip to Eco Hotel, Pattaya

On March 20 and 22, our eager and excited Primary 5 Love class embarked on an immersive Residential Trip to Eco Hotel, Pattaya. This meticulously crafted three-day excursion was designed for students to learn beyond the confines of their classroom, fostering profound connections between them and the world around them, while empowering them to apply…

Singapore International School of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi

SISB Suvarnabhumi: Nursery Kindergarten Sports Day 2024

The SISB Suvarnabhumi held its annual Nursery Kindergarten Sports Day on Feb 29 and March 01. The event began with a house-color procession, followed by a mass dance and engaging sports activities for children, parents, and teachers. The competition was a great success, and all of our students displayed remarkable teamwork, sportsmanship, and togetherness. Every…