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SISB Thonburi: Bottle Caps Donation to Precious Plastic

We are very grateful for the collaboration and support we are receiving from the SISB Thonburi Community for our bottle cap initiative. By collecting the bottle caps, we are contributing to making the world a better place. Precious Plastic does a fantastic job collecting these bottle caps and meaningfully reusing them. Let’s all work together…

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SISB Thonburi: Art Class Painting of Great Wave Of Kanazawa

During Global Citizenship week the P5 students worked on the theme ‘Life Below Water’ in Art class. They discussed topics such as global warming, rising sea levels and natural disasters such as tsunamis. They then researched Hokusai’s – Great Wave Of Kanazawa and learnt about the process of ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock printing. The students finally…

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SISB Nonthaburi: Lower Primary Maths

In Lower Primary Maths classes, students have been learning a variety of topics. Primary 1 students have been practicing arithmetic with numbers from one to twenty whilst Primary 2 students have been looking at measurements. They have been measuring all kinds of objects from their desks and classroom objects to themselves as well as buildings…

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SISB Thonburi: Halloween Celebration (Primary & Sixth Form)

On October 31st, Primary and Sixth Form students dressed up for the Halloween celebration. The morning started with a Halloween Parade where the students showcased their costumes. A Halloween show was held in our school auditorium together with our Wind Ensemble Team. It was a day full of fun and we are happy to see…

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SISB Thonburi: Halloween Celebration (Nursery & Kindergarten)

On October 31, teachers, students and parents came to school dressed as ghosts, vampires, skeletons and many other fearsome creatures to celebrate Halloween. A costume parade, trick or treating and craft-making were among just some of the activities planned for the day. It was wonderful to see all the school and parents having fun during…

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SISB Thonburi: Primary October Outstanding Behaviour Awards

On 8 November 20222 (Tuesday), the PCCG department presented the October Outstanding Behaviour Awards to recognise students who model the school values of independence, responsibility, respect and resilience. The Outstanding Behaviour Awards reinforce positive behaviours whereby teachers award Student Outcome Tokens to students who exhibit school values. In addition, the Student Outcome Tokens positively reinforce…

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SISB Thonburi: Loy Krathong Celebration (Nursery & Kindergarten)

On 8th November, our Nursery and Kindergarten celebrated Loy Krathong Day a day that Thai people across the country joined together every year during the full moon of the month of November.  A Loy Krathong programme was held in our MPH and was officially opened by our Head of School Narisa Lertnamwongwan, students from K2…