©2025 SISB Schools.
The logo is our most important brand asset which we use to identify ourselves to the people around the world. We hope that you will
share our commitment to applying our logo in the correct manner. Please select your role or purpose to view the details relevant to you.
This is a symbolic representation of the SISB name, which is inspired by its first campus – Singapore International School of Bangkok,
the first Singapore International School that was established in Thailand in 2001. SISB aspires to be a World-Class School that provides
the students with holistic education to make the world a better place.
This is used as an official logo and trademark for branding SISB schools in general (external and internal) e.g. advertisement, TVC, designs/backdrops/events/apparel, and used on collaterals when the content pertains to more than one SISB school in a single
exposure in a local setting.
Our logo comes in only black and blue, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo in reversed colour
(monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
Full Colour
These are used on collaterals when the content pertains to an individual SISB campus only in a single exposure.
Our logo comes in only black and blue, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo
in reversed colour(monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
This is used on collaterals when the content pertains to more than one SISB campus in a single exposure in an international setting.
Our logo comes in only black and blue, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo in reversed colour
(monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
Full Colour
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This is an emblem of the spirit of excellence that the school upholds. Emblazoned in the Crest are two lions supporting a shield which
embodies the SISB name together with symbols of intellect and knowledge. Below the shield is a banner inscribed with the school’s
motto. The lions represent Singapore and symbolise strength and integrity.
These are used for only academic-related materials, such as exam papers and transcripts, or for materials related to licensing.
The School Crest may be used independently without the SISB Logo only for internal academic uses or as a graphic watermark
element. The School Crest is not suitable for use in school events or for marketing and communication purposes.
Our logo comes only in the colours as displayed below, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo in
reversed colour (monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
Full Colour
This is used mainly for academic-related materials such as exam papers and transcripts, or for materials related to licensing. It is
advisable to use the School Crest with the SISB in each campus logo at all times. The School Crest may be used independently without
the SISB Logo only for internal academic uses or as a graphic watermark element. The School Crest is not suitable for use in school
events or for marketing and communication purposes.
Our logo comes only in the colours as displayed below, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo
in reversed colour (monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
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This is used as a logo and trademark in different variations for all entities under SISB Public Company Limited. The generic SISB
Corporate logo can be used on collaterals with content pertaining to more than one SISB entity or institution in a single exposure.
Full Colour
This is used for marketing and branding purposes in different variations for all entities under SISB Public Company Limited.
The tagline can be used on collaterals such as branding materials, corporate video, photo or corporate presentation.
Full Colour
Our logo comes only in the colours as displayed below, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo
in reversed colour (monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
This is a symbolic representation of the SISB name, which is inspired by its first campus – Singapore International School of Bangkok,
the first Singapore International School that was established in Thailand in 2001. SISB aspires to be a World-Class School that
provides the students with holistic education to make the world a better place.
This is used as an official logo and trademark for branding SISB schools in general (external and internal) e.g. advertisement, TVC,
designs/backdrops/events/apparel, and used on collaterals when the content pertains to more than one SISB school in a single
exposure in a local setting.
Our logo comes in only black and blue, and no other colour combination. For dark backgrounds, please use the logo in reversed colour
(monochrome). Never change the logo to other colours.
Full Colour
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To learn more about the SISB Corporate Identity, please download our document here
©2025 SISB Schools.