One of the most important festivals in Thailand is Songkran, which marks the beginning of the Thai new year.
SISB Suvarnabhumi celebrated Songkran on March 27, 2023. Nine monks came to bless the school, staff, parents and students. The students made offerings to the monks.
After the merit-making, K2 students had a short dance presentation with K2 parents and NK students as the audience. There was a surprise dance number by the parents which the students really enjoyed.
The NK students played some Thai games like Li Li Khao San, Moh Son Pha and Ngu Kin Hang with the Thai teachers.
The most exciting part of the celebration for the students was the water splashing event. Teachers and students had fun splashing water on their friends and teachers. It was a day full of fun activities for everyone.
Happy Songkran SISB family!
#SISBSuvarnabhumi #SISBSchools