On Jan 27, 2024 (Saturday), SISB Suvarnabhumi hosted an Open House for both the Nursery-Kindergarten (NK) and Primary sections. We were delighted to welcome numerous visitors during the event, fostering meaningful interactions among parents, children, our students, academic team, and admissions staff.
Attendees of the NK sessions had an enriching experience engaging in various activities that highlighted our NK curriculum. Meanwhile, those attending the Primary sessions were treated to impressive student performances in English, Chinese, and Thai. They also received information about the Primary curriculum and learned about the diverse pathways offered by our Sixth Form School at the Pracha Uthit campus. Visitors had the opportunity to explore a variety of displays and activities spanning different subjects, followed by a tour of our Primary building.
We thank the visitors who took the time to join our Open House, as well as our SISB Suvarnabhumi community for contributing to the overall success of this event.
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