In order to encourage students to enjoy learning Chinese subjects, and promote their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, the SISB Suvarnabhumi Chinese department held the 2nd Chinese Challenge on campus. Group 1 Primary 1-2 students participated in the Penmanship Competition, and Group 2 P3-P6 students participated in the Poetry Recitation Challenge. After a two-round competition, the top 3 students of each year group were recognized and awarded. AP Peyman presented awards and certificates to all the outstanding students during morning assembly time. Congratulations to all involved.
Primary 1:
1st Place: Camille – Tianqi Su, P1 Love
2nd Place: Weena – Patweena Kosolviboonpong, P1Love
3rd Place: Gus – Akaradej Imarom, P1 Love
Primary 2:
1st Place: Pumpkin – Jui Yi Huang, P2 Joy
2nd Place: Matt – Patthanun Ratchatathammasit, P2 Joy
3rd Place: Famous – Phumiphat Chaturonrutsamee, P2 Joy
Primary 3:
1st Place: Mina – Yong Xin Chen, P3 Love
2nd Place: Dollar – Yuxin Hu, P3 Love
3rd Place: John – John Li, P3 Joy
Primary 4:
1st Place: Tanya – Wenran Xie, P4 Love
2nd Place: Melody – Maylody Loedamphan, P4 Love
3rd Place: Jonathan – Zuxu Zhang, P4 Love
Primary 5:
1st Place: Seven – Yanyu Gu, P5 Love
2nd Place: Warene – Warene Thangtuw, P5 Love
3rd Place: Nato – Pakin Intanakom, P5 Love
Primary 6:
1st Place: Chenxi – Chenxi Deng, P6 Love
2nd Place: Kin – Phakhin Cai, P6 Love
3rd Place: Ben – Benjamin Thamhatai, P6 Love
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